Asthma and Obesity. Are They Related? FAQ with Dr. Steven Simper
By: Dr. Steven C. Simper, MD, FACS

Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (801) 268-3800
“It is the will and ambition of our patients who ultimately make their weight loss possible. Treating the whole person is a critical part of the care given to my patients.”
Question: Are asthma and obesity related?
Dr. Steven Simper’s answer: We have seen in many of our patients that they are related. We have also seen that asthma often improves with weight loss surgery. Even in patients who have allergy related asthma, they seem to improve and breathe better. They have less wheezing in general. The mechanism is still unclear, but weight loss probably relieves a lot of the restrictive component of the lung disease which is aggravating the problem.
About the Author:
Dr. Steven Simper, MD, FACS, performed his first bariatric procedures in 1984 at Wilford Hall Medical Center, in Texas. Currently, he performs laparoscopic gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, duodenal switch, and revisional surgery. In addition to general surgery procedures. He joined Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians in 2001, and began performing laparoscopic gastric bypass. Since 2008, he has developed his skill and expertise with the powerful biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (DS). He is among a handful of surgeons who perform this procedure. He both proctors other surgeons and is a speaker at bariatric conferences in regards to the duodenal switch procedure. In following his patients, and witnessing results, he has become a strong advocate for this procedure in the select individual who needs a powerful surgery.
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Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124