Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians www.RMAP.com (801) 268-3800


The surgeons at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (RMAP) recommend all weight loss surgery patients to be drinking a minimum of 64 ounces (8 cups) of water, but we prefer you to be well above that. Water helps with a multitude of ills: dehydration, nausea, hunger, low energy or fatigue, and kidney stones. When encountering a physical or emotional difficulty post weight loss surgery, often our answer will be to you is: Drink more water!

If you are bored with the bland taste of H2O, there are ways to spice it up! You can try adding diluted sugar free flavoring to your water, like Crystal Light or Propel. You can also try squeezing lemon or lime juice into your water, or adding sliced cucumbers.

*Be aware that artificial and natural sweeteners can increase your appetite. Dr. Steven C. Simper talks more on the topic of artificial sweeteners and what it does to your body here: Why Are Sugar Free Drinks and Artificial Sweeteners Bad?

Links to similar articles:
Hydration and Getting Enough Water
The Importance of Water after Weight Loss Surgery
Understanding Vitamins and Labels
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Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124