Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians www.RMAP.com (801) 268-3800
Feeling the blues or having “buyers’ remorse” after major surgery is a common side effect. As weight loss progresses some patients may experience increased anxiety about their body image and the way they interact with the world. If you find yourself in this situation, ongoing difficulties may lead to the need for a non-weight gaining antidepressant prescribed by your primary care physician or treating psychiatrist.
Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (RMAP) is also a good resource; here you can find support by attending monthly support groups, logging onto www.RMAP.com, where you can find education material and events going on in your area. Keep in mind you’re not alone in your journey. You have a medical team along with other RMAP patients here to help you every step of the way. Let us help you, reaching out is the best thing you can do when feeling depressed or anxious, and know that these feelings are normal.
It’s important that you stay in close communication with your family members and extended support system during this time. They’re certain to be concerned about how you’re doing both physically and emotionally. Weight loss surgery is a major surgery and it is life changing…for a lifetime. Please talk with them regularly to alleviate their fears as well as your own.
Some patients report that they don’t feel like going outside their home, or interacting with others for an extended period of time after their surgery. Decreased energy levels are expected during this time and we realize you’re going through a huge adjustment with your new eating patterns. However, for your overall health and emotional well-being we strongly encourage you to return to your normal activities of daily living as soon as possible.
Attend our support groups or at least a support group, touch base with your support group leader, interact with other patients online, talk with your physician; these are great ways to make sure you are progressing on your road to recovery and your new lifestyle of health.
Learn more about support and finding it here.
**Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. That is what we are here for. We are your team and we support you and your success. Call us at (801) 268-3800 and we will help you!**
Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124