November 2017, I am celebrating being one year out after my Gastric Bypass surgery with Dr. Rodrick McKinlay. It has been a major adjustment in lifestyle over the last year, but the end results are so worth the struggle. Before the surgery, at my heaviest, I was 324 lbs., and today I weigh in at a svelte 180. As friends have commented, I have lost the weight equivalent of a “teenager.” In all of my adult life, the lowest weight and most healthy I was at was when I was a missionary at age 20, biking and walking all over the island, and was down to 185 lbs. My kids have never seen me this skinny and healthy.


Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (801) 268-3800


Getting used to the diet and portion control restrictions were my biggest challenge, but once I got that habit down, there is no going back. There are pictures of me in the months just prior to the surgery, and what I look like lately. My wife has been my greatest cheerleader throughout the whole process of the last year, and she even joined me in the struggle in March when she had her own Gastric Bypass surgery, also by Dr. McKinlay.

I reached my goal weight of 185 about 9 months after the surgery, and have maintained under that goal for the past three months. My energy has increased exponentially, I can hike and run on a treadmill without almost causing a heart attack, and I no longer need the use of a CPAP machine to keep me breathing at night. I have gone from wearing 2X shirts and 48” waist pants to mediums and 32” waist.

My wife and I chose to do the surgery because, and to quote her, “We were walking potential heart attacks at the weight that we were at.” We want to live long and healthy lives to see and play with our future grandkids, and not be limited in our ability to do so. We love to travel, and we both no longer need the seatbelt extenders on airplane anymore. The only downside has been losing our layer of fat insulation, so we are getting cold in the winter, but just figure that we can simply bundle up more or wear an extra layer. It was worth it!

–Lynn O.


Read more patient stories here.
Interested in learning more about weight loss surgery? Learn more information here.
If you would like to share your weight loss surgery story with others and on Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (RMAP) other social media outlets, contact Jessica at


Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124