Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians www.RMAP.com (801) 268-3800


Weight Loss Surgery is often thought of as the “easy way out.” But that couldn’t be further from the truth. There is nothing easy about major surgery or the lifestyle changes weight loss surgery patients must make to be successful in their weight loss journey. Patients must realize that they are on a nutrition plan that they must follow for the rest of their lives. A healthy lifestyle is a life-long commitment.

To help patients with their weight loss journey, and to help them stay on track for the rest of their lives, we have come up with 8 tips for a lifestyle of healthy nutrition for life!

  • Physical Satiation: Always eat your food slowly and chew it very well to help assist in the digestion process. It should take you about 20-30 minutes to eat and stop as soon as you feel the first sensation of being full. Do not overeat or it could cause stomach discomfort, nausea or vomiting. Also, remember that the “hunger sensation” may also be due to lack of water.
  • 70/30 Rule: All meals and snacks should always follow the 70/30 rule (70% protein, 30% vegetables). Avoid simple carbohydrates and sugars since they can slow the weight loss process and interfere with maintenance. They may also induce the “dumping syndrome” in some Gastric Bypass patients.
  • Measure Your Food: Measuring your food can ensure that you are eating appropriate portions and getting the nutrition that you really need. The measure your food, be sure you are measuring the volume of food and not the weight of food. Always keep measuring cups and spoons on hand.
  • Eat Three Meals a Day: This could make sure that your body is getting the energy it needs to perform daily tasks, or keep from running low on valuable food it needs to keep your metabolism boosted and your thoughts clear. Good food choices and eating habits help you to function in your place of work or home.
  • Do Not Skip Meals: When you skip a meal you can find yourself hungrier later in the day which could make you more likely to choose poor food choice or overeat. Eating breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day, turns your metabolism on and kick-starts the function of your energy supply. Lunch is the mid-day energy booster. Choose foods you can tolerate—lunchtime is not the time to introduce new foods. Dinner is also important for when we are sleeping. Our body’s burn calories when we sleep to circulate blood, assist with lung functioning, and fuel our brains.
  • It’s Okay to Snack: If you feel you are hungry between meals, it’s okay to grab for a protein dense snack. Appropriate snacking (only twice a day) can help boost your metabolism and keeps your energy levels high. Snacking is different than grazing.
  • Do Not Graze: Stick to your three meals a day and two snacks habit, and refrain from picking at the food as you prepare your meals.
  • Plan Ahead: Plan for, shop, and prepare healthy meals for the entire family. Make sure you are educating your family, as well as yourself, on healthy food choices. Make a grocery list of high protein/low carb meals and stick to it.


For helpful hints on how to curb hunger between meals click here.
For tips on meal planning and dining out click here.

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Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124