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With the holiday’s right around the corner, it is a good time to start thinking about how to beat the urge to calorically splurge. Several patients on our Facebook Support Group have offered their suggestions that have proven to help them during this wonderful, but trying, time.
Top Ten Holiday Survival Tips:
1.) Focus on the people and not the food/drink when at a holiday function.
“I actually enjoy these events more now, as the focus is on spending time with people I like instead of the food.” – Amy
2.) Bring food you can eat and enjoy.
“If you are going to a potluck type event, bring something you can eat. Meat and cheese trays are popular and WLS friendly.” – Amy
3.) Healthy stocking stuffers.
“Instead of filling your children’s Christmas stockings with sugary goodies, and oranges and their favorite sugar free chewing gun.” –
4.) Don’t forget your water…but spice it up!
“Add a little variety to your party sipping options: lemon or lime slices, fresh mint or crystal light. Tomato or vegetable juices are also reasonable options.” – Amy
5.) Drink your Bloody Mary virgin.
“No one can tell by looking at your glass that it is [sans alcohol] and it’s tomato juice all spiced up and yummy. You usually get a celery stick to munch on too!” – Kristen
6.) Use fun party cups.
“If you are the host put your water in a cocktail glass or other pretty glass. If you are at a party with a bar, ask for your drink in a cocktail glass instead of a plastic glass.” – Amy
7.) Remember, you can eat Thanksgiving leftovers later.
“Do not feel like gorging at Thanksgiving dinner will be the only time to enjoy the annual tasty meal. Leftover turkey is still yummy the next day!
8.) Keep desserts out of view at work. “Out of sight, out of mind.”
“If you have co-workers who bring a lot of candy to work, see if it can be put in a place that is out of your way, but convenient for others.” – Amy
9.) Use closed containers to prevent munching mindlessly.
“Use a container with a lid so you don’t pick up a piece without thinking.” – Amy
10.) Exercise.
“This increases your output to defeat your input. And it motivates you to not sabotage your hard efforts by eating inappropriate foods.
~Happy Holidays!~
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Five Strategies for Holiday Gatherings
Dealing with Holidays & Special Occasions
Eating Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season
Ease Holiday Eating Anxieties
Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124