Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians www.RMAP.com (801) 268-3800


Vomiting can unfortunately occur after weight loss surgery, but remember that it is normal. What is not normal is if vomiting is a consistent pattern, if there is any pain, or blood present, etc. If so, please call our office at (801) 268-3800 and speak with your surgeon’s medical assistant. This is the same number you would call for any emergent after hour calls as well.

If the vomiting is a onetime episode, do as followed: put your fork down, do not take another bite, and do not drink water for 30 minutes. At that point it is recommended to do a liquid diet for about 1-3 days (varying on the severity of the episode). Write the culprit food down in a journey and it is best to avoid that food for a couple weeks. As you reintroduce yourself to a regular diet, remember to chew your food very thoroughly. Make sure the prepared food is soft and moist.

What are the most common food culprits? Dry foods such as eggs and chicken breast. When eating these particular choices, take extra care. Check the moisture of the food and chew each pea-sized bite 10-15 times.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to give our office a call at (801) 268-3800.

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Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124