Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians www.RMAP.com (801) 268-3800
People often criticize surgery weight loss surgery patients, saying they took the easy way out. There is nothing about surgery that is easy. It is important that you acknowledge the bravery it took to make and follow through on your decision.
Self-acknowledgement propels progress and is a tool for transformation.
Resolution of Co-Morbidities
With weight loss the body moves from a sick place towards health. Physiological changes occur such as the resolution of co-morbidities. You are now becoming free of physical limitations and experiencing a great quality of life. For continued success it is important that you acknowledge and recognize the positive changes.
The Reflection in the Mirror
For most of your life you have grown accustomed to a certain reflection in the mirror. This reflection may not be what you wanted to see, but it was familiar. Letting go of the familiar whether it be your reflection, self-concept, or self-esteem can be emotionally upsetting and difficult. Because of the rapid weight loss you are experiencing what you see in the mirror is changing frequently.
You may have based your self-worth and value as a human being on what the scale read or your appearance. Some individuals with morbid obesity go through life with negative self-persecuting thought processes that place them on self-trial, and self-condemnation. A rendering of a variety of negative self-punishments often takes place that leads to a life filled with self-defacement and self-dehumanization. This self-dehumanization is often used to reinforce negative self-talk. Here a thinking process occurs that no matter what you accomplish or do it simply is not good enough.
Be kind to the reflection you see in the mirror as you transform. Recognize that not everyone looks like s upper model. Focus on physical features that you like. This will help you accept areas you consider to be liabilities. We all are unique and everyone possesses beauty of some type. Recognize and acknowledge your own value and personal beauty.
The surgeons and staff of Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians embrace the fact that every individual is of value and worth. Your value and worth is independent of social status, financial assets, and level of education, past personal history, accomplishments or personal failures. All individuals contribute to the world and are of value. Please follow this example and acknowledge this in yourself.
Accept the new image that is forming in the mirror. When you accept and are kind to yourself you are able to welcome and accept lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes will give you the gift of a more enriched and fuller life.
Some individuals may reject the emerging self and seek to sabotage the surgery and further punish themselves by eating foods that will slow down or reverse their weight loss. Take steps to emotionally accept yourself as a thinner person. This is something you may have dreamed about all of your life. Self-rejection will sabotage that dream.
Some steps that you can take to more fully accept yourself now and the emerging you are:
- Refrain from negative self-talk where you call yourself “stupid,” “dumb,” “fat,” “lazy,” or a “failure.”
- Refrain from talking negatively about yourself to others. When you talk negatively to others about yourself, to others you are providing them with instruction on how you wish to be treated.
Ask yourself if you want to live in a reality that provides positive life experiences or a reality in which you set yourself up through negative self-talk and self-bashing to experience unnecessary challenges and conflicts. It is in your control.
Positive self-talk is one of the keys to your long-term success. If you think positively about yourself you are apt to shower yourself with rewards and self-praise that will keep you on the path of a lifestyle of health. You deserve nice things and experiences. Refrain from self-fault finding and the making of self-determinations that you are simply not worthy of having a good life.
Acknowledge the freedom that a healthy weight is giving you. Focus on the simple things such as walking in the mall, not needing to park next to the entrance when you go out, carrying in your own groceries, walking up or down stairs, or no longer being winded or hot during simple exertion.
Reward Yourself
Set incremental goals for weight loss and fitness. As you meet each short-term goal you may find yourself in a new place. Reward yourself with something of value. Rewards should not be food related, or clothing related. Food is for nutrition. Your clothing size is rapidly changing. Reward yourself with something of value like a massage, new golf clubs, or a charm on your charm bracelet. Take the time to thank yourself and acknowledge yourself.
Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124