My decision to have weight loss surgery was not quick or easy. I actually attended the Risks and Benefits Seminar at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (RMAP) approximately two years before I finally decided to forge ahead. So what pushed me over the proverbial edge? Well, I weighed over 430 pounds. I was Type II diabetic, with hypertension and several other medical complications. I was terribly depressed—severely depressed. I hardly ever left my house and when I did, I couldn’t do it alone without my husband. I could barely walk out to the street to the mailbox. I felt so awful when children would point at me or call me names. If I went to a restaurant, I always had to wait for a “special” table because I couldn’t fit into a booth. I had to buy all my clothes online. I spent much of my time crying because I felt useless, ugly and worthless.

Learn more about weight loss surgery at Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (801) 268-3800
In the fall of 2009, my 87 year old father had a heart attack. While spending time in the hospital ICU with Dad, I met Bryan, my dad’s critical care nurse who had undergone gastric bypass surgery. He spent several days talking to me about the gastric bypass procedure and how his life had changed. By the end of the year I was ready to take the plunge and possibly change my life for the better. I could finally see a glimmer of hope on the horizon.
In February of 2010, I met with Dr. JoAnna Erzinger for the first time. One of my health insurance requirements for the surgery was a six month period of trial weight loss to see if I could follow a program. I also began seeing Social Worker, Leslee Miller, in order to prepare emotionally for the difficult road ahead. I was able to meet my insurance requirements by losing approximately 30 pounds before the surgery.
At over 430 pounds I had the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure which was performed by Dr. Steven Simper on October 29, 2010. I went home from the hospital on October 30th to begin a brand new life.
So, did I get my life buy phentermine from china back? Yes, I did! Over the last 17 months I have lost over 235 pounds and lots of clothing sizes. My diabetes and high blood pressure are gone. And what did I trade the weight for? Well, I gained a ton…of terrific friends in my support group! My confidence has returned. I love to walk 3-4 miles a day and enjoy being outside. I can drive my car again. I have enjoyed traveling and hiking and buying clothes in a real store. I can fit into any seat in a theater and any booth in a restaurant—although I don’t eat much. Not only have I changed, my family has changed. My oldest daughter has lost 50 pounds and my youngest daughter has lost 40. My husband, perennial couch potato, has learned to ski and he went from Clark Kent to Superman—at least in my mind.
Some of my best moments since gastric bypass surgery: Losing the first 100 pounds, my 50th birthday being the best I’ve ever had, hiking the Valley of Fire, going to my first baseball game, walking the entire length of the Las Vegas strip, Phantom of the Opera for my 27th wedding anniversary, my daughter not recognizing me as she came off the plane, being a proud, confident mom at opening night for the new Museum of Natural History, Christmas Day 2011 reflecting on my blessings and contemplating a bright future.
What is in that future? A daughter’s wedding later this year, travels to exotic places with my husband and going back to college for a second degree. After that, who knows? The possibilities are unlimited now. So, much gratitude goes out to everyone at RMAP, who made my “second life” possible. And thanks to my really cool husband who always says: “Do or do not. There is no try.”
–Linda W.
Read more patient stories here.
Interested in learning more about weight loss surgery? Learn more information here.
If you would like to share your weight loss surgery story with others and on Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (RMAP) other social media outlets, contact Jessica at
Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124