Dear Sharon,

You are about to embark on one of the most important decisions of your life. You will be happier than you have been in your entire life.

Life will not be easy the first year. This operation is a tool and you will be the final person to implement these changes in your life. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of the support of your Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians professionals and the others going through your same experiences. You will learn lessons that will help you the rest of your life.


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Friends and family are very important to you, and you have hid behind beautiful, more popular people because of your poor self-image and lack of confidence. The difficulty you are having with mobility will change drastically. You will be able to pick things that have fallen and sit down on the floor with the newly acquired knowledge that you will be able to get up after playing with your grandchildren. After years of exhaustion and never feeling rested, you will wake up easily, and be eager to exercise, buy phentermine online overnight shipping clean house and love your life.

Your son, who is the light of your life, is convinced that you have added twenty years to your life that you will be able to spend loving your family and friends because of good health and unlimited happiness.

You may not want to admit that your weight has kept you from future job advancement, possible remarriage, a healthy body and most of all, a positive attitude about yourself, but that is definitely happened in the past and you are on a new adventure of achieving dreams that you did not think were possible.

Thank you, Dr. McKinlay for this new opportunity, and congratulations, Sharon for making this choice of a better life!

From the new and improved model of you.


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If you would like to share your weight loss surgery story with others and on Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians (RMAP) other social media outlets, contact Jessica at


Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124