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Exercise enhances weight loss, especially the loss of fat. It improves your body’s ability to take oxygen and deliver it to vital organs and muscles, builds muscle mass, and increases metabolic rate for some people. No, exercise is not a swear word, tedious task, or pain causing adventure. Nor is it an intensive training program that only finely conditioned athletes can endure. Exercise is fun and when implanted appropriately, enhances quality of life and health, stabilizes weight, and increases our endorphins giving us that “good feeling.”

Benefits of Exercising:

  • Your weight is much easier to control when you are active
  • Exercise can be a lot of fun
  • You will feel better when you exercise
  • Exercise is good for you heart and helps in the prevention of stroke, diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. Exercise can reverse high blood pressure and heart disease
  • Exercising is a great way to burn off steam and stress
  • Exercise helps you beat the blues
  • Exercise increases energy levels
  • Exercise is good for your brain increasing blood flow and oxygen intake
  • Exercise cleanses the body of unwanted toxins and cancer-causing agents

You should be exercising about 30-60 minutes every day.

The Balance of Exercise:
An aerobic or cardiovascular activity is the movement of large muscle groups (primarily large leg muscles) in a rhythmic fashion continuously. Aerobic exercising should include a warm-up, 20 minutes of high intensity movement, and a cool down.

Strength training is the strengthening of large muscle groups (arms, chest, abdomen and legs) by exerting muscle strength against a type of resistance, (weights are most often used as resistance) several times (repetitions). You develop muscular endurance by repeatedly targeting these muscle groups.

Stretching is essential for good range of motion and flexibility. Each major muscle group should be stretched before and after aerobic activities and strength training.

**Always consult your primary care physician about what types of aerobic and strength training exercises they should start with or if there are any restrictions they should be aware of.**

You are not expected to plunge into extremely vigorous exercise. You could begin walking and increase the distance and speed as you feel ready. It’s important to exercise at a comfortable pace. It could be beneficial to exercise with another patient, family/friend. When another person shares in our pursuits, it’s easier to follow through with our goals. Having someone to share our efforts with is another success strategy. Exercise and fitness goals can only be realized when we decide for ourselves that we will follow through. Make it a commitment! Teach yourself and those around you to use positive self-talk about fitness and exercise. Just do it!

Links to similar articles:
Benefits of Physical Activity

Exercising after Weight Loss Surgery
Muscle and Strength after Weight Loss Surgery



Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians
1160 East 3900 South, Suite 4100
SLC, UT 84124